You have probably seen the term "Herbalist" or "Community Herbalist" one or two places, this is one of the various titles I lovingly accept. Essentially, an herbalist is someone who makes plant-based medicine and herbalism is the use of plants to support the body's own healing.
I was called an herbalist before I even knew the meaning of the word, I just knew I loved healing with plants and caring for those around me. I began as a self-studied herbalist diving into all the books on plant medicine, wellness and holistic healing I could find at my local Half Price Books. I began attending workshop taught by Black and Indigenous herbalist and healers to learn more about building connection with plant spirits and ethical practices. After a few years, I decided I wanted "formal" instruction- now this is not necessary and is solely a personal choice. Plant medicine is ancestral and you can not just slap a certification on it. My decision to attend a certifying course was based in wanting more information on the scientific realm of this work. With this education, I have learned the constituents of these plant allies and the best ways to extract them.
Yes, I am a herbalist but more specifically I am a Community Herbalist! I don't do this work to become rich or make it inaccessible. I believe everyone deserve to healing from herbs instead of masking with drugs. If there is a community need I will always do my best to meet it. I am rooted in serving Black and Brown folx in anyway I can, including reminding us that this has always been our form of healing. I stay true to my values of providing exceptional products, valuing community care and maintaining sustainable practices.